Ways To Create A More Positive Future For Troubled Teens

Ways To Create A More Positive Future For Troubled Teens

This day and age is a difficult age to live in, let alone to grow up in. the amount of anxiety and depression among teens is almost double to what it was twenty years ago and the statistics are not only alarming but horrific. There are more misuse of drugs and alcohol than ever before, which in turn creates problems at home, within the school and only exacerbates the symptoms of anxiety. It may be that some teenagers now are struggling with the idea and notion of discipline, there are plenty more ways for youngsters to become savvy, with technology and there are more children leaving home sooner and growing up much faster than they may have done in the eighties. This poses a threat to children, especially boys, with having issues with discipline. There are plenty of ways that you can point your child in the right direction, perhaps with therapy but this can be time-consuming and expensive if it is not funded in any way. You may be concerned that your child is dealing with the effects of their behavior or act upon things that you had clearly told them to stay away from.

Most often, misbehaving is a cry for help. It may also be that they are craving some kind of attention and are in need of distraction in their lives. Trauma or some one time event can really spark behavioral issues in young people and it can hinder their development, both physically and mentally. If it’s affecting their social life, mental health or their education, then it is time to step in and offer some solid advice to them for taking steps to change their outlook and to create a happier and healthier future. 


Camps can be a brilliant way for teenagers to distract themselves, learn discipline, appreciate their strengths and learn new skills. There are camps such as the military school for boys which allows boys to train and learn their strengths, it will also give them core life skills to take onto a military job in future years if this is of interest to them.

The important aspects of any type of boot camp are discipline, structure, and physical movement and it may be that they can learn to shake off their laziness, aggression or their issues with authority, which could allow them to learn and grow quickly. They can leave their home, often escaping to the suburbs, which gives them a large break away from their friends and their troubles, and follow tight schedules and rigid tasks which they will need to complete. 

Sports Clubs & Physical Skills 

This is a great way for teens to really focus on their anger and stress. Sport is not only incredibly active but the science behind sport means that it could help them with depression and anxiety. Exercise alone is a brilliant tool for unlocking good happy hormones in the brain. When we exercise we release endorphins, which give us a burst of serotonin and norepinephrine which combats a range of mental difficulties. When done regularly, the focus and motivation for exercise becomes greater and can help those may struggle.

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Sports classes such as: football, baseball, athletics, the gym can all be encouraged and adapted into a good routine. This can be done at school as most schools do offer a range of sporting activities but there are also plenty to be found in and around the neighborhood. The clubs away from school can be equally as positive and encourage finding and meeting new people and creating new friends. 

Increasing their physical activity will diminish any sluggishness but of course this is not always an easy task. Giving your teen free will is also important but if you feel, along with medical professionals that they will benefit greatly from boot camps or some type of physical treatment, then it would be good to give them some boundaries and goals. 

Charity Work 

Charity work has long been brilliant combat of mental health issues and it’s something that will continue to improve the lives of the people they help and the people who are assisting with the charity. Voluntary charity work can include a range of different activities, but it may help teenagers to find a sense of self, to appreciate what they have and to see new walks of life that they may not have been exposed to previously.

Assisting at homeless shelters, helping tidy up the neighborhood, working with younger kids who may be going through similar things, also gives a sense of empowerment and strength. There are plenty of charities always keen to take on volunteers, it’s such a vital part of and this kind of work is incredibly favorable for their resume.

Any type of volunteer work shows skill building and a dedication to a task which potential employers would be looking for and could make them stand out from other kids who leave education with only their certificates. Ways to help charities could be any of the following:

  • Donate your time – homeless shelters, kids charities, taking gifts to hospices or old people’s homes, bringing a little cheer to someone’s life can uplift their spirits as well as the person undertaking the role.
  • Donate your skills – help out with any technical roles within charities if their skills lie within this area. 
  • Donate your stuff – having a clear-out of old things can be really cathartic and may help them let go of things from the past. They can easily donate their unwanted clothes and toys to new homes and they can feel fulfilling.  
  • Organize a trip -if any of your charities offer trips for older people or kids, see if they can go along, if they want to, travel is good for the mind and can be a very interesting experience.
  • Raise funds – get involved with sports or some kind of fundraising, which can be really 

There doesn’t have to be only dark at the end of the tunnel, there are ways to help rehabilitate without massive costs. Communication is always key but it’s time to start healing today.