You are fully responsible for everything that you post on our website. All comments are released into the public domain.
Nerdy Millennial does not control the content posted. However, Nerdy Millennial retains the right to monitor and moderate any user-generated content as it sees fit and reserves the right to remove content for any reason, without consent. We also reserve the right to remove a user’s privilege to post content on Nerdy Millennial.
Comments that do not adhere to our guidelines, will be removed.
Comment Guidelines:
- Respectful discussion and disagreement is welcome. Keep comments respectful and civil. All comments that attack any individual or group of individuals will be removed.
- Comments should remain relevant to the topic of the post.
- Comments that look like spam or questionable spam will be deleted.
- Relevant links are welcome. Comments which contain irrelevant links will be removed.
- Comments including profanity or offensive language and concepts will be removed.
This comment policy is subject to change at anytime.