Everything You Need to Know About the Benefits of Eating Oats
Are oats safe for people with celiacs disease or gluten intolerance? Do oats need to be soaked? Find out this and more nutritional facts about oats.
This blog all about millennials sharing their passion, ideas, and expertise about blogging, healthy living, self-improvement, education, parenting, and more!
Are oats safe for people with celiacs disease or gluten intolerance? Do oats need to be soaked? Find out this and more nutritional facts about oats.
Everything you need to know about sorghum, including nutrtional info, how to use sorghum, and links to sorghum recipes.
Did you know that buckwheat is not really part of the wheat family? Find out what buckwheat is and how to cook with it!
Millet is a lightweight whole grain flour with a texture like corn. It is something like Bisquick. It rises well and makes recipes soft and flaky. It is great all-purpose flour. Millet is very popular in Africa and contains B vitamins, including B17 (anti-cancer), calcium, protein, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and antioxidants. It is useful in…
I am here to tell you that modern wheat is just one of many different family members, some of which are worth exploring. Some of the varieties of ancient wheat are making a comeback today.
Grains have been eaten for centuries and there is evidence as far back as Egypt that bread was a part of the ancient’s diet. It appears that some of this bread was even made with refined flour.
So what is the problem with grains? Why are people having so much trouble with them? Should we be avoiding certain grains or avoiding them all together.