Why Women Are Thriving In The Medical Field

The medical and healthcare sectors are staffed by incredible people from all walks of life, and it’s true that artificial identifiers are no indication of success – what matters more is the ability to be studious, to work hard, and to care about those under your care.

While we see some disparities in how men and women are employed in certain fields (construction is largely dominated by men, for example), some medical disciplines offer great representation for women, too.

With the medical field growing year on year, even tripling the employment rates of the wider job market, now is a fantastic time for both women and men to benefit. Certain positions, like phlebotomists, are comprised of 85.2% female professionals.

Moreover, diversity is becoming the standard, as 25.4% of phlebotomists are Black (non-Hispanic), and 7.16% are of Asian ethnicity. As the medical field grows, these changing norms showcase a very real win for representation.

Of course, this field attracts those who are conscientious, caring, attentive, and can thrive under pressure, so it’s no wonder that such a field is attracting such storied professionals. But that’s not the end of the story.

If you’re considering a career in medicine, consider some of the following statistics to get a better view of how significant roles within the space have become open and allow for professional excellence. Having the facts to hand could potentially inspire you to take that first step towards your studies, and look to any assistive programs that may be available.

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