3 Things You Can Do in Your Garden During the Winter

There’s a good chance your garden has been a little neglected over the winter months. After all, nothing is growing, and it’s been too cold to spend long periods of time outside. However, spring is nearly here, and avid gardeners are keen to get back out there! However, you might find that you’ve got quite a bit of work to do if you neglect to keep up with basic garden care now. Sure, mowing the lawn isn’t going to happen just yet, but there are other things that you could be doing to make life easier when the weather gets warmer. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the garden maintenance you can be doing right now.

Check your tools

Now is the perfect time to check your tools. While you might not be using them right now, you will be before long. And, if your tools are broken or weak, you’re not going to be able to get the job done. Check for signs of any breakages or weak spots in things like your rake and trowel, and fix any that you’re able to. If you do find any that are broken and now useless, now is a great time to go and buy new. Because winter is off season for gardeners, tools are likely going to be much cheaper than if you were to buy them in the summer. While you’re in your tool shed, take the time to clear out anything that’s been laying around for a while that you no longer want or need. It will help you no end when spring arrives.

Lookout for pests

Pests are a problem all year round, but you might have missed some signs of pests during the winter because you’re not in your garden as much. And while you’re probably not going to find hornet or wasp nests, you might come across other pests. Look out for signs around your garden like holes in any woodwork, chewed bits of debris around your garden, or even food found in odd places. If you do find signs of pests, it’s important to act promptly. Search for Terminix Near Me to get experts in. They’ll be able to properly remove any pests to prevent the problem from happening again.


Weeds are another problem you have to deal with all year around, but your garden is probably full of them during the winter because you’re less likely to be out there pulling them. Wait until you get a dry day, and take some time to scour your garden for any weeds. Make sure you pull them by the root to prevent them from spreading underground, and treat any concrete areas with weed killer. Remember to check the label as weed killer can also kill off any grass, plants or shrubbery around your garden too. Not only that, it can also be harmful to any pets you may have, so be sure to follow instructions very carefully.

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