Apple Cider Vinegar For Hair: Tip Tuesday

Since I have started using apple cider vinegar as a hair rinse, people have come up to me randomly and asked me how I keep my hair so soft.

I’m not kidding, and it can catch me a bit off guard.

This is especially telling for me because I have very thick and wavy hair. Fly aways and dry, frizzy hair are a constant problem for me. It only gets worse in very humid or dry weather.

If you have dry, brittle, or frizzy hair like I do, I think you will be surprised at the results of using apple cider vinegar for your hair. It performs far superior to any conditioner I have used.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair:

  • Helps to balance the pH of your hair
  • Removes buildup from other hair products
  • Removes dirt and grease from hair
  • Closes and covers hair cuticles, resulting in smoother, shinier hair

Will My Hair Smell Like Vinegar?

Short answer: It won’t.

Long answer: Apple cider vinegar doesn’t have the strong vinegar smell like white vinegar does. What vinegar smell it does have will dissipate as soon as it evaporates. What you will be left with is a pleasant apple scent.

I have never had a complaint about the smell of my hair, quite the opposite in fact. My husband says my hair smells nice after an apple cider vinegar rinse and I agree.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair

Using apple cider vinegar as a hair rinse is very easy.

Here’s what I do…

1.) Pour 1/2 to 1 cup of apple cider vinegar into a plastic drinking cup. Set in the shower.

2.) Shampoo or clean hair as usual and rinse any remaining product out of your hair with water.

3.) When ready to do your apple cider vinegar rinse, fill the rest of the cup with hot/warm water. Poor slowly over your hair from scalp down to the ends.

4.) Let is sit for a minute or so. Rinse with water.

That’s it! Now enjoy that super soft hair!

Where to Buy Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair

Because I am just using the apple cider vinegar for my hair and not for ingestion, I just buy the cheapest bottles of apple cider vinegar available at my local grocery store.

This apple cider vinegar is similar to what I use.

You can certainly use a higher quality vinegar, such as Bragg’s apple cider vinegar, but I do not personally feel this is necessary.

Image credit:


Vanessa Pruitt, PLMHP, MS

9 thoughts on “Apple Cider Vinegar For Hair: Tip Tuesday

  1. I feel the organic cider vinegar is a better product to use rather than the non-organic product. Your skin absorbs everything which is why I go with organic vinegar. It’s worth the extra price.

  2. How is this different than the no-poo ACV? Is this just a rinse you should do once a week or each time you wash? With the no poo it seems you use less ACV by spraying in your hair and washing out. thanks!

    1. Everyone’s hair is different, so you will probably just have to go with what works for you. I have done the rinse every day at one point. I found it makes my hair super soft. This can be used with the “no poo” method or in conjunction with a shampoo hair care routine. You would rinse out the ACV in both methods.

    1. What I’ve recently read about “acidic” natural food like oranges, grapefruit and other things is that even though their chemical makeup is acidic, when in (and I’m assuming on) the body, their action is “base” in chemical activity. As a RN I find this very intriguing because I have always thought (we don’t learn this stuff in nursing or medical school) that if its acidic in nature, the result in the body is acidic. I am happy to learn the real chemical reaction. I would google your question to educate myself and learn more and more. It’s a very fascinating thing and am glad I have embarked on this journey to natural healing and natural ways of doing things to support my body in being its healthiest. <3

  3. Funny that the link you posted to the “less expensive” ACV is currently twice the price as the Bragg’s brand which you also linked to as an example of unnecessary expense. But prices vary so perhaps things were different when you first posted.

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