Common Barriers to Fitness and How to Overcome Them

Common Barriers to Fitness and How to Overcome Them

Being physically fit can provide a wide range of benefits. When you feel in great shape, you may feel more confident in your appearance, have increased energy, improved strength, and have a positive outlook on life. While everyone understands that exercising is beneficial, many struggle to commit to staying physically active.

Getting fit and maintaining your fitness is not easy. Working out regularly requires dedication to your fitness and the motivation to keep going even when it gets hard.

Many people start every new year with the same resolution; to get fit and break free from unhealthy habits. Research shows most people stick with their resolutions for just 32 days before giving up.

If you struggle to commit to your health and fitness goals, some of the common barriers to exercising shown below may apply to you. Read on to learn about the common barriers to fitness many people face and how to overcome them:

Pain Stops You From Exercising

Being in physical pain can prevent you from doing many things, and exercising is one of them. Whether you have an injury or simply recurrent pain, it can be hard to focus on your fitness when you are experiencing discomfort. When you have spent a long time dealing with pain, you may feel you are simply stuck with it forever.

However, it does not need to be this way. New treatments are developed all the time. So, there may be new treatment options to explore with the potential to resolve your pain, allowing you to exercise. MLS Laser Therapy is an example of a new treatment that could help to make your pain a thing of the past. 

You Have No Time to Workout

If you live a busy life with a packed schedule, you may struggle to find time to hit the gym, take exercise classes, or commit to a team sport. But this doesn’t mean that you cannot be active and need to give up on your hopes of getting fit. 

Instead of trying to squeeze gym visits into your packed schedule, you could try making exercise a more achievable part of your daily routine. So, instead of driving to work, you could walk or cycle. Rather than sitting down during your entire lunch break, you could head outside into the fresh air and take a walk.

Walking will help you to increase your fitness one step at a time while also helping you get more fresh air and boosting your mood.

You Don’t Like the Gym

Some people love the gym, while others hate it. But exercise is about more than just treadmills and lifting weights. Instead of focusing on the activities that you dislike, it is helpful to explore other ways to stay fit.

You may want to learn salsa dancing and start taking classes, or perhaps you liked cycling as a kid and want to try it once again. Finding a physical activity that you love means that working out never feels like hard work.