Event Security: 5 Things You Need To Do

Event planning involves many different aspects for you to consider. With many attendees and factors influencing how the event will go, knowing everyone is safe is one part of your event that shouldn’t be overlooked.


Event security can come in different ways and shouldn’t be simply an afterthought, especially if you are running an event that will be attracting high numbers. But even smaller events still need event security.


These tips can help you ensure everyone is always kept safe, from speakers to staff and those in attendance too.


Know Your Threats

Some events are naturally more of a security risk than others. Your target audience and the reason for your event, i.e., a concert or demo for high-value products or prototypes, political rallies, and minority group gatherings, can all be high risk, depending on who they are and what your event will be. Once you know the threats you might be facing physically and digitally, you can be better placed to identify any issues beforehand and during the day itself.


Visible Security Measures

The more security measures you have, the better. But the more visible they are, the higher the deterrent will be. This can range from cameras to physical security guards from Zed Security and Guarding to metal detectors and security checkpoints. Making them stand out and not blend into the decor so people know you have these factors in play can dissuade trouble makers and give your guests and employees peace of mind that their security is high on your list of priorities.


Digital Security

Suppose you have any type of digitization in play at your event. In that case, you must ensure that your internet access and equipment are locked down so no one except authorized personnel can access the information. This goes for using card readers to take payments and using secure connections to take people’s details digitally to sign up for emails, for example too. Identify how cybercriminals can intercept data, increase cyber security, and adhere to all data protection laws.


Check IDs

Even if your event isn’t age-restricted, always ensure that attendees bring ID and that the name on the ticket matches the person attending. Ensure it matches the information given when registering or purchasing a ticket. Be stringent about the data points you collect so you can check it to ID so you know exactly who is in attendance. If this isn’t possible, ask to see the ID regardless and have them sign in using the credentials on the ID presented.


Screen Staff

If you’re working with a company that provides employees for your type of event, they will have already been screened to assess suitability. However, If you are hiring yourself, then you need to make sure that the people you bring on board to work the events have undergone security checks. You can be confident nothing untoward is going on. Run background and credit checks on everyone and have all employees, including vendor employees, wear ID tags or bracelets so they are instantly identifiable, and so you can keep employee-only access areas free from people who shouldn’t be there.


Improving security at your event means you must be careful who you hire, have visible security deterrents, and be stringent about who gains access and collects ID details. All of these points can help you to improve security.

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