How Social Media is Changing How Customers View Businesses

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Social media has become a regular part of life for hundreds of millions of users all over the globe. As a result, social media platforms have become a fundamental marketing strategy. The social media terrain also offers a powerful opportunity for businesses to alter the way that customers see them. A significant portion of the millennial market is engaged on social media every day, and these millennials are not afraid to reach out when necessary.

However, all consumers expect certain things from the brands they adore and from the companies they grow to despise. Consider how social media is changing, the ways that customers view your company, and what you can do about it.

An Expectation of Professionalism

Consumers now more than ever expect company brands to act and to appear professional, according to Forbes. A company that has a faulty image, poor posts and videos, or a lack of quality interactions can expect consumers’ perceptions to decline toward the company.

Businesses and employees online that are caught engaging in foul behavior or making controversial comments can cast a shadow over your entire company’s reputation. For this reason, it is essential that company employees are truly committed to professionalism as well to helping build and protect your brand’s image.

A Demand for Greater Interaction and Engagement

Due to the highly connected cyber world, social media has a more relevant place in the lives of consumers than ever before. When consumers reach out to a business to ask questions or to express their concerns, they demand that businesses take the time to address these issues. And according to EKR, The social-sphere is always current. And if you want to get traffic, you can’t be shy. Do your market research and adapt as needed when you can. Social media can be a great way to do engage and charm potential customers

CEOs who are unique and friendly score major points with customers online due to their down-to-earth nature, and consumers looking into their interactions with previous customers may choose to become buyers themselves.

An Avenue to Connect, Complain, or Ignore

Social media platforms offer a few major choices for modern consumers, and many people understand how influential these platforms can be. At any time, customers can leap on social media to celebrate or to complain about the quality of the products and services that they have received. Interested customers also view social media as a way to connect with businesses more than ever before. However, companies that do not apply smart social media tactics may be ignored by the very target market that they wish to attract.

Other than connecting with family and friends and meeting new people, social media is a huge opportunity for the average person to express himself or herself to companies of every size. Gone are the days when you could simply file away piles of consumer complaints and expect to stay in business. The Digital Marketing Institute affirms that social media platforms should be viewed as customer service channels because potential and existing customers reach out to brands and seek help when they have questions, problems, and concerns.

An Inviting Brand or an Annoying Advertisement?

The problem for many consumers who perceive an ad to be annoying or inviting is their perception of the brand itself. A solid brand makes a great impression, lends credibility, builds equity, and improves recognition among consumers. Avoid bombarding your target audience with more advertisements than you offer useful information. Be sure to address and live up to your company values. Creating a balance of advertisements and valuable content on social media helps users develop a positive perception of your brand and to see your ads as a solution for a problem instead of an intrusion.

Superior Products and Services or Not?

Even before exploring your website, consumers are consistently searching for clues to determine whether or not your products and services are worthy of attention and purchase. Social media channels have become the impromptu way to leave reviews on a company concerning their experience. One study shows that 84 percent of customers trust an online review as much as a recommendation from a friend or family member.

It is crucial that companies use social listening and monitor these reviews on a regular basis. A single comment about your company can turn into a firestorm discussion on social media when others start to chime in, ask questions, and give feedback. Online reviews have a lot of power today. They’re found everywhere, from Amazon products to Yelp business listings and all over Google search results. It’s why so many companies these days are investing in review management software.

If you see a negative post about your company via social media, it is critical to engage the posting customer and to attempt to satisfy the individual and resolve the matter in any way possible.

Companies that neglect to address problematic reviews create a black hole effect that casts a shadow over the company that other consumers can plainly see, and this can greatly sabotage sales. Although you can’t expect to please every customer 100 percent of the time, making the effort to set things right goes a long way in showing how accountable and caring your brand is to onlookers scrolling online.

The Pursuit of Greater Deals Among Countless Options

Without a doubt, you must remember that your business is not alone when it comes to marketing to consumers. Social media has changed so much of the business environment in the recent years. Millenials are targeted more than any other audience, and as a result, they are confronted with a sea of advertisements every single day.

Those who intend to shop for a new product or service are more excited about making purchases when they spot a killer deal or promotion circulating on social media. Offering limited-time promotions and digital coupons for your merchandise and services is a great way to captivate millennial consumers, and then they consider buying from you.

How customers view your company is largely determined by your marketing efforts, the rate of your company’s social engagement, and the overall quality of your products and services. If your company talks a good game but offers inferior products and services that do not please customers, no amount of marketing techniques on social media can mend these issues. This is why it is crucial to listen to consumers on social media platforms and to use the information accordingly to improve your products and services.

If your company can master the art of engagement on social media, you can increase the visibility of your brand, multiply your conversion rates, and maximize your sales revenue in a tremendous way.


Ian Walsh