Seven Ways To Speed Up Career Progression

There are many reasons why you may be looking to build on your career right now. For example, you may be pushing for a higher salary or simply looking for a new professional challenge to embark upon.

However, wanting to progress within your career and actually progressing are two different things. After all, “wants” will always stay “wants” unless you put in the time, energy and effort required to turn them into a reality. 

With that in mind, here are seven ways in which you can speed up your career progression! 

Enhance your resume through online learning.

One of the easiest ways to advance in your career is to ensure that you remain open to any and all learning opportunities. After all, not only will they enhance your resume, but they’ll also help you to build upon a range of transferable skills that will serve you well in any future roles you take on. 

In the digital age, online learning means that we can do all this from the comfort of our homes – which can also save time and money. As such, whenever you have the time to do so, sign up for industry-relevant online courses or masterclasses. 

In addition to gaining new certifications, you should also ensure you retain your current ones. For example, some roles, such as ARF administration positions, require you to recertify every few years. Failing to do so could mean that you fall behind on industry trends and development, leaving a clear gap in both your knowledge and your resume. Fortunately, you can now carry out your 

arf administrator recertification online, too.

For those who are considering expanding into different industries, such as sales or insurance, exploring company reviews like reviews of PHP agency, can provide insight into what skills and certifications might be most valuable in that field.

Be the person that volunteers in the office. 

If you’re setting your sights on promotion within your current company, then you need to give your employers a clear reason to choose you over any other candidates. For example, you should ensure that you work efficiently and to a high standard and that all projects are delivered on time. Beyond this, however, you should also be the person who volunteers when employers or other colleagues ask for help, support or guidance. After all, this shows that you’re both generous and a team player, which, according to Forbes magazine, are some of the key characteristics of people who get promoted.

After all, this shows that you’re willing to go the extra mile when it comes to getting the job done or keeping a smile on your customer’s faces – and the more that your employer is aware of this, the better. After all, it may mean that you come immediately to mind when a higher position becomes available within your team or company. 

Work with a mentor.

Whether you dream of running your own business or obtaining a more senior role within your current company, working with a mentor in a similar position can help you determine the logistical steps you need to follow to achieve this goal. For example, they could: 

  • Help you extend your network by introducing you to other industry professionals.
  • Provide you with access to career progression opportunities.
  • Put together a career roadmap of goals you need to reach/achieve.
  • Suggest educational or training courses to you that will help enhance your resume.
  • Provide you with additional support as you navigate your way through your career.

As there are many benefits associated with working with a mentor, don’t be afraid to reach out to someone you admire within your industry – be that through email or LinkedIn.

Take risks. 

While taking risks can be frightening, it can be a way to put yourself on the path to success. For example, one such risk could involve leaving your current job for a role that doesn’t pay quite as well but has more opportunities for development or is more aligned with your long-term goals. While this role is more likely to get you where you’d like to be in life, it comes with various risks, such as: 

  • A change in your financial situation 
  • A change in working environment and culture (which may not work for you)
  • A change in duties and responsibilities

However, this is the kind of risk that is often worth taking. After all, if you fall in love with your new role, you’ll be able to progress quickly within this new company, meaning you’re one step closer to your dream job. Furthermore, this also allows for a great deal of self-discovery, which can enhance both your confidence and employability. 


Learning more about the art of networking can also help you to speed up your career progression. This is because being good at networking means that you can build meaningful connections with others in your industry – who may be able to offer you a job or put you forward for roles they think you’d be well-suited for. 

Beyond this, they may also be able to take a look at your resume or CV and let you know what you could do to enhance it. For example, it may be that you’re omitting specific skills that employers are looking for from your CV, meaning you aren’t making it to the interview stages of roles you’d excel within.

There are many ways in which you can begin to expand your network. For example, you can attend industry events, such as seminars and conferences, making an effort to stay in touch after the fact. If you feel some anxiety when networking, remember that most people feel nervous when meeting someone new! 

Find your passion.

Burnout is one of the biggest roadblocks you may encounter on your path to long-term success – especially if you’ve got a lot of BIG goals in mind. While there are many different causes of burnout, a lack of passion is often a key contributor to this. After all, if you’re not excited about the work you’re doing, it will get harder and harder to stay focused and on-task. 

As such, if you’re looking to progress in your career and want to keep both burnout and exhaustion at bay, you need to find your passion. Make sure that the dream you are chasing is your own dream – and not something you’re doing because you think you have to. For example, not every person is destined to be a business owner, especially if you find other jobs more exciting or entertaining.

Furthermore, there are plenty of ways in which you can tap into your passions in the professional world – meaning your hobbies don’t have to stay hobbies. For example, you could turn your love of culture into a career by working in the arts, entertainment or historical sector. 

Remember: Good Things Take Time.

While you may be keen to progress in your career as quickly as possible, you must be realistic, too. For example, even the most accomplished business owners did not become top CEOs overnight – they started at the bottom and worked their way up slowly through hard work and determination. 

After all, there are many different factors that could impact the way in which your career unfolds, some of which are beyond your own control. For example, if you’re working for a business that closes, you may have to start anew and work for a different company, meaning you’re taking a step down the ladder. 

As such, if you find that things aren’t moving as quickly as you’d like, take a step back and treat yourself with kindness. You’ll get where you need to be – whether this takes five years or ten, especially if you follow the guidance above. 

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