Natural Pregnancy Week 15
Natural Pregnancy Week 15: You can prevent stretch marks! Find out how…
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Natural Pregnancy Week 15: You can prevent stretch marks! Find out how…
Can you believe it? Just a couple more weeks and you’ll be in your second trimester of pregnancy. Though there is some debate as to when the second trimester actually begins, even among doctors and midwives. You will hear conflicting information that it begins anywhere from 12-14 weeks. Either way, you are close! This week,…
Pregnancy Week 7 Even though you are not “showing” yet, the hormones of pregnancy are beginning to effect your body. Sore or tender breasts are common, especially in first time mothers, and some women will even grown a full cup size by this week. Hormones, increased blood flow, and buildup of fat tissue in the…
Pregnancy Week 5 By now, you’ve probably missed your period and are wondering why. A pregnancy test should be able to confirm your suspicions. For some women, morning sickness begins this week. Don’t worry, there are plenty of natural remedies for morning sickness that you can try. Read: Natural Morning Sickness Remedies Your Baby’s…
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Weeks 1 through 4 of pregnancy mark the creation of a new life inside of you. In fact, your baby won’t even be in existence until week 3 of your pregnancy. Every women ovulates at a different time in her cycle, so the length of your pregnancy is estimated from the…