What Are The Most Profitable Skills To Learn In 2022

What Are The Most Profitable Skills To Learn In 2022

According to Investopedia, the median income for American households was $67,521 in 2020. The job market is constantly evolving, and new occupations gain an edge as older ones lose popularity. Consequently, knowing how to monetize an existing skill and learning a new skill can help you access fresh opportunities and increase your earnings this year.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of in-demand skills you can learn to make more money this year. Below are four of the most profitable skills worth learning in 2022.

Video marketing

Many experts predict that video will be the prime source of viewed web content in 2022, amassing about 85% of all web-related traffic. Also, several businesses are increasingly using video as a marketing tool since consumers find it more interactive.

Therefore, video marketing is an untapped goldmine with several opportunities for individuals with the right skills. As such, consider learning content creation, video production, and editing to position yourself in a profitable industry and explore new career opportunities.

Digital marketing

It is estimated that almost $356 billion was spent on digital advertising in 2020 alone. This statistic is hardly surprising, given that the number of internet users in America and beyond keeps increasing by the day. As such, many companies are increasingly interested in various ways to promote their products and services online to attract their target audience and generate solid leads.

Therefore, there is an increasingly high demand for digital marketers, and the pay for roles in this field is incredibly high as a result. In addition, growth prospects in this industry are endless, and it is full of variety. Therefore, you can branch into content, email, mobile, affiliate, and social media marketing, depending on your preferences. You can get started in digital marketing by obtaining an online digital marketing BBA certificate from a reputable university.

Blockchain development

Although a relatively new development, blockchain technology is already a multi-billion-dollar industry. Statista projects that the world will be spending about $19 billion on blockchain solutions by 2024. This increase in blockchain’s demand and popularity is partly due to its use in creating and managing cryptocurrencies.

Consequently, there will be more jobs for individuals with blockchain skills this year as the world finds new applications for blockchain technology. Therefore, you can get in on the action by becoming a developer, quality engineer, or solutions architect.

Web development

There were reportedly 23 million web developers in America in 2018 alone, but this number will likely increase given how profitable the industry is. Consequently, now is a great time to learn web development skills since they are in high demand across various industries.

Web developers design and develop web-based solutions and websites. A great niche to learn in web development is low-code programming which involves building attractive and functional websites with little or no raw code. You may also need a good understanding of popular coding languages like JavaScript, Python, and HTML, as well as responsive design and SEO knowledge, to perfect your web development skills, so keep this in mind. 

First Aid

While learning advanced first aid mightn’t lead directly to a new career, it could lead to you getting a raise in your current job. You could use it to become a health and safety expert in your company, letting you earn noticeably more than you already do. If you go further and further into it, it might just become a new field for you.

You’ll need to learn a few things with this, however. There’ll be basic first aid courses, more advanced options, and even a suturing course to consider. The more you put into this, the more you should end up getting out of it. It’s more than worth investing a little time and energy into this.