What to Do if You Have An Accident At Work

Millions of accidents happen in the workplace every single year. Although some of them are completely unavoidable, most accidents can easily be prevented with proper health and safety considerations. Here’s what to do if you have an accident at work. 

It’s never enjoyable when you find yourself in an accident at work. Not only can it be embarrassing and inconvenient, but it might leave you with emotional trauma or physical injuries. You might also have to take time off work due to your associated injuries and this can lead to financial loss.

If you have an accident at work, there are a number of steps that you need to take. These steps apply to any type of accident that you might experience in the workplace, including slips and falls, muscle strains caused by overexertion, or injuries caused by moving objects.

Here are the important things that you need to do if you get hurt at work.

Seek Medical Treatment

The first when you have had an accident should always be to seek medical attention for your injuries.

Every workplace has a legal responsibility to keep a fully stocked first aid kit. Any minor injuries, such as small cuts or scratches can be treated immediately on-site. After this point, you should go to the nearest hospital. Even if your injuries only feel minor, you never know whether there has been deeper, internal damage.

At the hospital, a team of medical professionals can perform the correct tests and scans to assess your condition. They will provide the necessary treatments to reduce the severity of your injuries and prevent any long-term damage.

You might need to call emergency services and travel via ambulance to the hospital if you are unable to drive there yourself. Alternatively, you can ask a colleague to take you.

Report Your Accident to Management

Once you have received treatment for your acute injuries, you should arrange to speak to your manager so you can report your accident. Go through the incident with them from start to finish in as much detail as you can remember.

It’s important that you try to recall everything that occurred before and during the accident so that you can determine a cause. This is particularly important if you are planning to file a claim and gain compensation for your injuries.

Don’t feel pressured by your employer if they try to persuade you not to make a claim against them. If you have evidence of the accident and you can prove that it wasn’t your fault, you are likely to win your case and gain compensation.

After talking to your manager, you might wish to contact a personal injury attorney who can help you to file a legal claim against your employers.

Take Time to Recover

If you have sustained long-term injuries due to your accident, you might need to attend follow-up appointments with your GP. You might also need to take medications or attend additional scans to check the progress of your injuries.

It’s important that you take adequate time to recover from your serious injuries or emotional trauma. Make sure that you are absolutely ready when you eventually return to work. Returning to work before you’re fit to do so can put your health at risk.