What To Do When Your Child Is Sick? 5 Solutions

What To Do When Your Child Is Sick 5 Solutions

Most people can’t imagine feeling so helpless. But, when your child is sick, it’s hard to know what you should do. Of course, you want to help them feel better as quickly as possible, but at the same time, you don’t want them to get any worse and risk a more severe illness or complication. That’s why this article will go over five solutions for when your child is not feeling well.

Before considering any of these tips, if you have a newborn, you must first understand the Reasons Your Newborn Won’t Stop Crying. It could be anything from allergies, an illness, or unfitting clothes.

Run a Cool Air Humidifier

The cool air humidifier is an excellent solution when it’s hard to get your child out of bed. They can rest while the air conditioner or fan blows over their sheets and mattress with some water in a container underneath. This will add moisture back into the dry winter months and allow them to stay warm without using excessive heat that might make them feel worse.

Cuddles and More Cuddles

When your child is sick, you want to make it better and give them everything they need. But the truth is that when your child gets a cold or flu, there really isn’t much you can do besides providing lots of love and comfort for them.

You can offer them a cuddle as this will make them feel loved and cared for. This is especially important if your child is not eating or drinking anything.

However, you will need to be understanding because your child might push away from you when you offer cuddles. This is because being ill can make them moody and indifferent. But, just give them some space and head on back later; they’ll probably let you hug them then.

Use Steam To Unblock Airways

You can use eucalyptus, menthol, and tea tree oil to create an inhalant that will help unblock your kid’s airways.

If your child is having trouble breathing due to congestion or a cold, you may try using steam from boiling water with added eucalyptus or lavender oils. However, be careful not to scald the skin when adding these oils when touching the hot pots of water. So, use suitable protective gloves!

Drape a towel over their head for the vapors to rise into their nasal passage more effectively before inhaling deeply for about 15 seconds. This process should open up constricted passages, allowing easier breathing and reducing chest discomfort while coughing, allowing the cough reflexes time to work.

You can also use this method alongside other treatments such as antibiotics for colds or asthma medications. In particular, you should not forget that steam inhalations could lead to dehydration, so make sure you offer fluids in between steams.

Try an Oatmeal Bath To Soothe Infant’s Skin

If your baby is sick and uncomfortable, the only thing you want to do is make them better. To soothe their irritated skin from a fever or cold, try an oatmeal bath. Add some oats to warm water in the tub for the infant’s age group (newborns need one cup and babies up to two years old require three cups) and dissolve with stirring. Let your child soak in the mixture until they are calm, which usually lasts for about 15 minutes at most.

Oatmeal baths can be helpful as they moisturize dry skin while also soothing itchy patches of eczema that many infants develop when they have fevers. The key is to use the appropriate amount of oatmeal based on your child’s age group.

In addition, the resting time means less energy wasted on crying, which will hopefully lead to more restful sleep cycles throughout the day. 

Get Acquainted With a Nasal Aspirator

Nasal aspirators are an excellent way to relieve congestion and clear out the nasal passages. They come in various shapes, sizes, colors, and types from which you can choose based on your child’s needs. Nasal aspirators are ideal for both adults and children alike.

A nasal aspirator works like this: you create suction inside it by pushing down its plunger with your thumb or index finger at one end. Then, gently insert the other end into either nostril until it meets soft tissue and release pressure so that air flows through the device instead of sucking up all of the mucus-laden fluid.

Nasal aspirators are an excellent addition to any first-aid kit, and you should use them when your child is congested or has a nasal discharge that needs clearing out from the nose for relief. 

Nasal aspirators can also help reduce the risk of viral transmission by helping clear mucus inside a person’s nose not to spread disease quickly.

A basic nasal aspirator usually costs less than $15, making them very affordable in case you need one on hand at all times! In addition, they are available online, with just about every retailer having several options listed in their catalogs. 

You might even find some among your local grocery store’s health section, where they pack items like toothbrushes, vitamins, and other related items.

Nasal aspirators are a smart investment, not just for yourself but also as a gift idea! It’s easy to find one that suits your child or niece/nephew’s personality, boosting their confidence against discomforts like nasal congestion.


The first thing you should do when your child is sick is to stay calm. Be a good listener and be there for them while they share their symptoms with you. If they need help, offer it but don’t make any decisions on behalf of the child without consulting a doctor or nurse first. Remind your child that even though this might seem like the worst day ever, things will get better soon enough!

This article has given you five solutions for making your little one feel better and getting them on the mend. The best part is that many of these tips don’t require much more than a few household items! So give some or all of these tricks a try and see which ones work for you. Hopefully, they’ll help ease everyone’s worries in the meantime.