Why It’s Perfectly OK To Wait Before Going To College

Going to college is something most people pursuing higher education do right after high school. You graduate from your last class as a senior and then you immediately burst onto the campus scene, ready to take the adult world of education by storm. And most people are happy with that; it gives them time to train, learn, and figure out what their life is going to look like. 

However, it’s also perfectly OK to wait before you go to college. If you’re not sure if it’s the right choice for you, or there’s another path you want to take more right now, it’s OK to hold off on the choice and come back to it later. In fact, it might be the best choice overall! Here are three great reasons why. 

Career Changes Happen All the Time

If you go to college right now and decide the course you’ve chosen is the one thing you want to do for the rest of your life, you may be more likely to run into career path trouble in a few years’ time. 

Rushing this decision could make you all the less satisfied in your chosen field when that make or break moment comes! And if you feel like you have to start all over again, the stress and demotivation can be a killer. 

New Courses May Be Available

If FOMO is the defining factor behind your desire to attend college, we can promise you one thing: you’re not going to miss out. In fact, the more time you spend thinking about what you want to do, the less likely you are to waste time on a career path you have no passion for. 

After all, new courses are being developed and made available all the time. Not going to college now could leave you with a lot more resources to pursue one of these newer degrees that feel so much more like they’ve been tailor made for you. 

Indeed, take a leaf out of the book of the Clive Davis Institute at NYU; they’re now offering a brand new, cutting edge BFA in recorded music. For anyone interested in music creation, production, or promotion, waiting until a course like this crops up would be ten times more useful than pursuing something less specific that you feel is your only option right now. 

Sometimes You Have Other Things to Focus on

And when you’ve got a lot more to do than just think about the career you want to build toward, you shouldn’t feel ashamed for taking a different path. Sometimes you do what you have to do and focus on things that need your immediate attention. 

That doesn’t mean you’ve missed out on carving the right career or pursuing the right education to benefit your plans. It’s OK to wait until you’re really ready and have the time and energy for it. 

If you don’t want to head to college right now, don’t let doubt sway your decision.

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