Why You Should Encourage Your Kids to Try a New Sport

In the past, kids seemed to be a lot more involved in sports than many tend to be nowadays. There could be a whole host of reasons for this. But the most likely is that kids are currently bombarded with so much technology that their attention often falls on video games, film and TV, and other online activities, rather than kicking a ball about outside. This is understandable, but it’s a shame. Sports offer kids so much opportunity to excel in so many different ways.

One major benefit of taking up a sport is the exercise involved. Kids over six should get about one hour of exercise every day and picking up a sport can help to achieve this. Many sports are also a great opportunity for your kids to socialise and make new friends with other kids their age who are into similar things.

So, how can you encourage your kids to step back from the screen and try a new sport out themselves? Well, the answer is to do a little research and see what’s going on in the world of youth sports participation. Knowing what’s “in” and what’s not can help you highlight a fun, new sport that your kid might want to give a try and serve it up to them as an appealing option.

The infographic by Cisco Athletic below can give you great insight into what kids are enjoying at the moment. Take a look through and get some ideas together. Your kid might be picking up gymnastic, lacrosse, track and field or another sport in next to no time!

Infographic Design By Cisco Uniform Manufacturers

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