Summer Learning: Fun Ways to Explore your Town

Fun Things To Do By Yourself

Learning doesn’t stop when the weather gets warm. Summer is the perfect time to get out and explore your world. Exploring your town together is a great way for the whole family to find new places and activities, and learn a little history along the way. You can even immerse yourself in local arts and music. Here are some tips for starting your journey.

Begin at the Visitor Center

If your town has a visitor center, it’s a great place to start. You’ll find brochures, maps, visitor guides, and even local wildlife guides. If someone is on staff, your kids might also enjoy talking to them about what their town has to offer. If your town doesn’t have a visitor center, try visiting the library, a gas station, or travel center in the area.

It’s true that you can find most information online, but there is just something about having that information in your hand. Plus, you can save the brochures and guides for lap books and other projects at home.

Try Something New

Some of the places in your town will be familiar, but a fun challenge is for everyone in your family to pick a destination or activity that you’ve never done before. It can be tricky, but it will really force you and the kids to delve deeper into what your town has to offer.

Take a Stroll

Haven’t been downtown in a while? From the other side of town? Take this opportunity to visit a part of your town that you don’t frequent very often. Maybe there’s a neighborhood that you’ve never really been to before. Go for a walk and gain a new perspective on the community you live in.

Take Pictures

Buy your kids their own disposable cameras, or let them borrow yours. Encourage them to snap pictures of the places that you visit. Later at home, you can use them to make your own visitor’s guides or scrapbooks.

Once you get out there and start to explore, I think you’ll find that your town has more to see and do that you ever realized. Don’t forget to check out community calendars, museums, local history, farmer’s markets, art displays, concerts, festivals, and more. Oh, and don’t forget, have fun!

Vanessa Pruitt, PLMHP, MS

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