How to Naturally Detox Your Mind and Body
Find out how you can improve your health through detox and how to naturally detox both your mind and body.
This blog all about millennials sharing their passion, ideas, and expertise about blogging, healthy living, self-improvement, education, parenting, and more!
Find out how you can improve your health through detox and how to naturally detox both your mind and body.
People across the US and world are concerned about the safety of Pacific Ocean seafood. I’m going to show why these fears have merit and why there is a serious risk to health in eating Pacific seafood.
Every day you are effected by radiation whether from the sun or from man-made sources. It’s very important to know what radiation is and how it works to harm life. You also need to know what you can do to limit your exposure to radiation.
Commercial sun screens are full of chemicals that could be a bigger risk for developing skin cancer than the actual sun itself. Recent studies even link the development of skin cancer to the chemicals and ingredients found in sunscreen.
Author: Rita Brhel “He’s using you as a pacifier!” I thought I was the only one who regularly heard this when someone noticed that I breastfed my babies to sleep until I read it in a list among the annoying things breastfeeding women commonly hear in La Leche League’s The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. When…
On many different levels, grass-fed beef is the healthiest choice for beef.
Whether your goal is total relaxation, a better complexion or more lustrous locks, there are natural ways to achieve top results for yourself and your family. The following tips for natural body care will bring you and your loved ones together, teaching everyone the beauty of independence and self-care.
Yoga can be such a good friend during pregnancy, whether you’ve already been into it or not. There’s a lot of talk about Yoga being for the “whole” and equally affecting the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Nowhere do you see that more clearly than with soon-to-be mamas.
A lot of people today feel as if they are drowning in stress and/or anxiety brought on by everyday challenges that they encounter, such as family or relationship problems, financial issues, and work responsibilities. Most of the time, these stresses affect not only their physical health, but their emotional health as well. If you’re one…
Participating in sports has many benefits that professionals and parents have known about for years. Sports can be a great way to provide your child with regular physical activity, routine and a structured environment to cultivate social and collaborative skills.