
yoga early in the morning physical wellness

How to Achieve Balance: An In-depth Look at the Seven Dimensions of Wellness

Wellness, more than just physical and mental health, is multifaceted. This article introduces the Seven Dimensions of Wellness: Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Social, Spiritual, Environmental, and Occupational. Each is crucial, and neglecting any can lead to imbalances. We’ll explore each dimension, its significance, and strategies for enhancement. We’ll discuss balance and the interconnectedness of these dimensions….

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Week 18 of Pregnancy

Natural Pregnancy Week 18: Baby’s Senses Awaken and Embracing Your Changing Body

Welcome to week 18 of your natural pregnancy journey! This week, your baby’s development takes a significant leap as its senses begin to awaken. Additionally, it’s time to embrace and celebrate the changes in your body as you nurture new life. Baby’s Development Your baby’s development in week 18 of pregnancy is an exciting and…

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