Keeping Calm After Losing a Job

Keeping Calm After Losing a Job

The reality of losing your job is a devastating event for anyone. It's hard to know what to do in the aftermath of job loss, and it leaves you feeling as if there is no way out. 

But, losing your job doesn't have to mean that your life is over and you're destined for bankruptcy. In fact, there are various things you can do after losing a job to help make the situation better!

Action Can Be Taken In The Following Ways:

First, find a new job as quickly as possible

The sooner you begin looking for work, the better chance that you'll be able to find something soon!

It's always good to research what happens if there are no severance or unemployment benefits available from your employer. Consider consulting with a bankruptcy lawyer at Leinart Law about how job loss affects bankruptcy law and all of the questions you have about job loss and possible options after job loss has occurred.

Say Ahead

Ensure that all your bills are paid on time, so they don't become delinquent while still searching for a new job. This will help preserve credit scores which will come in handy when applying for loans, mortgages, credit cards and other forms of debt.

Always keep your job search positive! 

You can apply for jobs while working part-time simultaneously to ensure that you are not relying on one job offer or paycheck alone if it doesn't come through.

Be true and honest

Be true and honest with yourself about what is realistic when searching for a job after job loss occurs. It's important to set boundaries so that you don't become overwhelmed by things like unrealistic expectations from others or your own high standards, which will only frustrate you further and cause more disappointment than necessary.

Take special care of yourself mentally, emotionally and physically during this difficult time in order to ensure that you're able to stay strong and focus on getting back into the workforce.

If you lost your job or you know someone who recently lost their jobs, such as a family member or your friend, there are some mental and health hazards to look out for.

These Hazards May Include:

Losing a job is by far one of the most stressful events in life. It can be a struggle to adjust and find meaning after losing your job, but it doesn't have to feel like all hope is lost. Sure, joblessness comes with plenty of challenges: how will you pay rent? Will your landlord evict you if they don't receive regular payments from your old job? How long before another opportunity arises for me to earn an income again?

Losing a job isn't just about having less cash flow; their circumstances so defeat some people that it's hard for them to even get out of bed or go on daily errands. They may start missing workdays because they're not able to leave home without assistance from a friend or family member. They may not be able to focus on job interviews because they're feeling too overwhelmed and anxious, which in turn leads them to stop applying for jobs altogether.

For some people, job loss can lead to things like depression or anxiety, making it very hard for them to try and get out of bed each day. Struggling with mental health disorders when you lose your job is even more challenging than usual; the stressors associated with joblessness make symptoms worse and recovery less likely.

It's crucial for jobless individuals (whether unemployed by choice or involuntarily) struggling with mental illness such as depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, schizophrenia, etc., to seek help from a doctor if needed – especially if these conditions are worsened due to job loss.

Many individuals who have lost their jobs feel like it's impossible to get over their mental health conditions on their own. However, the experience as a job counselor has shown that these individuals need a lot of support from doctors, family members, or friends to recover.

Not feeling well is not the only challenge jobless people face. Many individuals who have lost their jobs also have less time to spend with loved ones because there are various other things competing for attention (finding work; looking after finances) while they're coping with depression, anxiety etc., all at once.

The good news is that joblessness doesn't last forever – some people find new jobs within six months of losing theirs! So, if you or a loved one is struggling during this transition period, try sticking to a routine of job hunting, spending time with your loved ones, and getting plenty of sleep.

For those who are already healthy, joblessness won't necessarily cause any problem at all; you’ll just need more energy on trying hard to land a new job! 

However, What lessons can you learn from being out of work that makes everything better afterwards?

What Else Does Joblessness Teach You?

  1. The first lesson might seem obvious, but joblessness teaches you that your job is not a “god”. Being jobless might make you feel like you’re useless and didn't contribute anything to society. But then again, just because someone has a job doesn't mean they are contributing much either! You'll learn to be self-reliant – having lost the security of regular income and a reliable work schedule, it's up to you to create your own future. There will come a time when there will be no alternative but for you to grow into an entrepreneur or start something on your own with very little outside help, if any at all; this can teach one how valuable their opinion really is in the business world.
  2. The second lesson may seem slightly less obvious: by being unemployed long enough, joblessness teaches you that there are many more options outside of an office job. You'll see the world begin to open up as new possibilities come your way: from entrepreneurship to freelance work and part-time jobs.
  3. The third lesson is just a survival skill in general – jobless teach you how little time we have at any given moment. With our limited resources on hand, it's far easier for you not to be wasteful with what little amount of time you have left within each day or week and instead spend the majority of it on things that really matter, like making connections, doing something creative or enjoying family life; these will turn out to become some great memories when all this joblessness becomes but a distant memory!
  4. And last but not least, joblessness teaches you how to appreciate what you have and be thankful for the things that are already there. Of course, being jobless will teach you that it's easier said than done but at the end of the day. However, being unemployed is a blessing in disguise because by having a job, one can never understand just how much time they waste with each passing day; this makes jobless all the more valuable!

The great news is you do not have to feel this way if you want to keep your well-being healthy when jobless. The job market can be tough, and losing your job is a major life event. But it doesn't have to ruin you.

Here Are Seven Ways To Keep Your Mental Health Positive

  1. It's also important to not isolate oneself when jobless but to reach out and talk about our feelings with others. The feeling of job loss can be embarrassing as society sees it as a failure, so talking about how we feel may seem like adding insult to injury. With that said, though, you should look at job loss as an opportunity for change because one thing people always regret most is never taking risks or steps towards their dream life. This means getting back on your feet after losing your job will give you more time than ever before to achieve what really matters instead of being tied down by work obligations.
  1. Remember that this is just one part of your life currently happening in the present moment; take the needed time for yourself by doing things you enjoy outside work too.
  2. Find support through friends and family members who care about you.
  3. Stay active by exercising or challenging yourself physically (e.g., trying out new sports)
  4. Take on other projects like hobbies, volunteering opportunities, or freelance jobs that allow you to make money while not working at a traditional job full time.
  5. Donate any clothes from previous employment roles to Goodwill or other charities.
  6. Keep a job search journal to document what you're looking for and how it's going, as well as your progress in all of the above areas.

Losing your job is not the end of the world, although it might feel as if it is. However, always keep in mind that as one door closes, another door will open. No job or workplace is worth risking your mental and physical well-being. 

So, for the sake of yourself and your family, keep your head held high and your eyes open. Great things are coming your way!