Natural Pregnancy Week 14

Congratulations on your 14th week of pregnancy!

Are you feeling hungrier than usual this week? That’s totally normal. It may feel like a stark contrast from just a couple of weeks ago (especially if you had morning sickness), but your baby is requiring more and more nutrients. Just remember to keep plenty of healthy snack options on hand (and on the go) and you’ll do well.

Cravings are also normal, and the occasional indulgence is okay. However, if you feel that you are constantly craving odd foods, it could be a clue that your body is not getting enough vital nutrients. Try this chart to see what your body needs when you have certain cravings.

Earth Mama Organics Free Birth Plan

Now that you are (hopefully) feeling better and have a little extra energy, it’s a good time incorporate some light exercise back into your routine. Try a prenatal exercise class. It’s a great way to meet expecting moms like yourself and get a specialized workout.

Your Baby’s Development

You baby has almost doubled in size since last week! She is now about 3.4 inches long and weighs about 1.5 ounces. That’s about the size of a lemon.

Earth Mama® Organics Postpartum Lying-in Plan

About your baby this week:

  • Can suck thumb and wiggle toes
  • Kidney is making urine
  • Liver and spleen are functioning

Your baby is also growing something new this week called lanugo. Lanugo is fine hair that grows all over the body, kind of like peach fuzz.

Tips for Finding A Doula

As a Doula myself, I love telling women about the Benefits of Hiring a Doula.

Having a Doula can lead to a…

  • Shorter labor
  • Decreased need for interventions
  • Decreased risk of maternal fever
  • Lower chance of Cesarean
  • More positive birth experience
  • Better chance of breastfeeding success
  • Lower incidence of postpartum depression

If you think is option is right for you, now is a great time to start searching for one. A Doula can help you throughout your pregnancy, birth, and even postpartum. They are educators, support persons, and coaches.

To start, I recommend learning about the 4 Basic Qualities of a Good Doula.

After you have some idea of what qualities you want in a Doula, it’s time to begin your search. Here are a few ideas for finding your Doula:

1. Word of Mouth

One of the best ways to find a great doula is to ask local friends for recommendations. Not only will you be able to get the names of a few doulas this way, but you can also take the opportunity to ask about their experience with their Doula.

Ask plenty of questions about what they liked or didn’t like about their Doula. Just remember that every Doula is different and so is every client. What one client didn’t like about their Doula may be just the thing you are looking for. This is all about what YOU want!

2. Narrow Down Your Choices

If you come across a lot of potential candidates, there are a few ways you can narrow down your choices. Who falls within your price range? Who has experience in your chosen place of birth? How experienced is each Doula? You can do a phone interview with the majority of candidates and then meet your top choices in person (over coffee or tea).

3. Meet Your Backup Doula

Some Doulas have a backup, while others will require that you find your own. If your Doula has their own backup, it’s a good idea to meet them in person as well. This will give you a chance to go over your wishes with them and get comfortable with the idea of them being at your birth. The last thing you want is a stranger showing up at your birth and everyone feeling uncomfortable.

4. Don’t Hesitate to Ask Questions

Ask LOTS of questions, especially the uncomfortable ones. If your Doula feels hesitant to answer your questions, beware. You should feel comfortable in knowing that your Doula will represent your birth wishes, comfort and support you in the way that YOU wish, abide by good ethics, and be transparent in her practice.


Why Hire a Doula?

Vanessa Pruitt, PLMHP, MS

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