Tips To Help Prevent Falling Victim To Fraud

Tips To Help Prevent Falling Victim To Fraud

Falling victim to an attack online is commonplace nowadays. A person won’t be alone when it comes to cases of fraud and hacking where personal information is stolen to use elsewhere.

According to Aite-Novarica Group, 47% of Americans have experienced financial identity theft in 2020 alone, a number that’s likely risen over COVID-19 and beyond. Here are some helpful tips to help prevent falling victim to fraud this year.

Only use online sites with secure gateways

First and foremost, when shopping online, it’s important to be extra wary of where money is being spent. Paying for goods online is very popular in today’s retail world. Due to the ease of shopping and it being accessible for anyone to use, wherever and whenever. However, there are some sites that aren’t secure when it comes to making payments.

With that in mind, look at those that offer a secure payment process. A payment gateway for high-risk businesses is common for those who specialize in a niche industry. However, for general purchases, look for the green lock in the URL bar. 

Have strong, unique passwords for every account

It’s good to set strong passwords when it comes to having multiple online accounts. These strong passwords should also be totally unique, meaning each online account should have its own unique password. That does make it extremely hard for some to remember passwords without writing them down.

There is software though that can be installed where it remembers all passwords and only requires one password to log into the software itself. 

Remember if it’s too good to be true, it probably is

It’s possible that many have heard the saying, ‘if it’s too good to be true, it probably is’. That can certainly be true when it comes to buying products and services online. Of course, securing a bargain is doable but it’s not always to the point where it’s dirt cheap.

If there’s a deal that’s been spotted online, compare and check out official brands online. If it’s far from the original price, then chances are, it’s not what you think it is.

Don’t give out confidential data too freely

Confidential data is just that…confidential. Try to be more careful about where this data is handed out because it’s likely given out too freely at the moment. This can be risky because, for many, it can often end up in the wrong hands. Once that happens, both the personal and financial sides of life can be at risk.

Have good firewall software in place

A good firewall software in place is important to help keep all devices within the household protected. Even when using the internet at home, there are ways for hackers to get in and by getting in, they can easily hack a computer when it’s not covered by a firewall.

With that in mind, consider investing in firewall software. They’re extremely affordable and worth the money for that peace of mind.

It’s always useful to look at how fraud and other hacking attacks can be prevented. The fallout for anyone who is a victim of fraud can vary from manageable to life-altering.