Running a business feels like more than a 24/7 job on occasion. We live in the age of the “slash worker,” where people freelance but also do something else on the side to maintain a steady stream of income. But how can you keep a hold of this effectively? It's not easy when you're trying to grow a business. But when you're holding down two jobs, as well as a life, it can be overwhelming to say the least! Let's show you how to keep a lid on everything. It requires proper planning…
Schedule Every Part of Your Day
When you are growing any form of business, it's important to stay focused and on schedule. A schedule doesn't just help you to map out what will happen, but it is the perfect anchor to keep you going. When you are working more than one job, it can prove overwhelming, especially when you are doing work that takes you away from your passion. But is there a way to combine your efforts? For example, if you are doing delivery work as your main job, is it possible for you to make the most of this time on the road? You could use it as an opportunity to listen to podcasts on a subject area you are not too knowledgeable in. When you start to double up this approach to working, it helps you to kill two birds with one stone, but make sure it doesn’t impact your ability to do this job! Scheduling every part of your day, even if it is to do with your job rather than your business, will help you to keep on track.
Can You Get Help?
The whole point of Tim Ferriss' 4-Hour Workweek approach is about outsourcing. If you can get help, even if it is someone that you can't pay apart from in coffee, but they know how to improve your web presence, make the most of it! Getting help is not a bad thing. And while you might not be able to pay them in money right now, you will very likely be able to one day. And when you have so much to do, but not enough time or skills, getting help is crucial. You'll find that as your business improves that you need extra help and you will start to hire people. Find the right person to outsource your tasks, and they could become a future employee.
Don’t Leave Your Day Job Just Yet
You may feel that you've got to the point where it's time to get ready to go but you've got to be sure that you have a safety net in case everything goes belly up. You need to have at least 6 months’ worth of savings for your personal and business pots, just in case your business doesn't grow as quickly as you thought. It's important to grow your customer base and make sure you have a perfect starting off point, so when the time comes for you to leave your job, you aren't left in the lurch.