Postpartum Anxiety More Common than Once Thought
According to recent studies, postpartum anxiety may be more common than postpartum depression.
This blog all about millennials sharing their passion, ideas, and expertise about blogging, healthy living, self-improvement, education, parenting, and more!
According to recent studies, postpartum anxiety may be more common than postpartum depression.
Henna is a small tropical bush that produces red dye. This natural dye is native to North Africa and the Middle East, and has been used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes for over 9,000 years, though it’s use is fairly new to the western world. Henna has a multitude of uses, including as a temporary tattoo and as a natural hair dye.
Can you believe it? Just a couple more weeks and you’ll be in your second trimester of pregnancy. Though there is some debate as to when the second trimester actually begins, even among doctors and midwives. You will hear conflicting information that it begins anywhere from 12-14 weeks. Either way, you are close! This week,…
The surest way to know if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test, but how do you know if you should rush out and buy one? What are the symptoms that you might be pregnant?
It’s a common term used within the birthing community: Natural Induction. People who use the term don’t mean any harm by it. They wish to pass on information to mothers who are looking to help their babies be born sooner, using more “natural” methods than might be used by doctors or medically-minded midwives. But, the…
Author: Rita Brhel When I work with mothers who are breastfeeding or who intend to breastfeed, I cannot overemphasize the importance of nursing on demand. This means not scheduling feedings and not substituting pacifiers or bottles for the real thing. The breasts produce as much milk as is needed, no more and no less. And…
I love this book because of it’s holistic approach to woman’s health and well-being during pregnancy.
Building or renovating a home can be a costly endeavor from both an expense and environmental perspective. Using recycled building materials can reduce cost, lessen the carbon footprint of the project, reduce landfill space by reusing re-purposed materials, and can even add value for buyers in the market for an Eco-friendly home.
Though you may not look pregnant yet, you probably feel it. The onset of pregnancy fatigue is common at this point for a couple of reasons.
Being an attachment parent and an introvert is a challenge, but it’s certainly doable.