
Sweet and Nutty Couscous

This is a favorite quick dish at our home.  The vegetables can be substituted and combined for various flavorful concoctions, and you can try adding other nuts and beans to your liking. I buy whole-wheat couscous in the bulk section at our local health food market.  You can also find boxed couscous in the pasta…

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Notebooking for Beginners

If you have been homeschooling for a while then I can almost bet you have done some sort of notebooking during your studies. Many times when a new-ish homeschooler hears about notebooking they assume it must be some complicated method used by only the most experienced parents and students. The truth is, notebooking is simple….

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Bugs Be Gone

The arch-nemesis of gardens, can you name it? That would be the aphids, caterpillars, ants, and so forth.  If you’ve spent any time in your garden lately, you have seen the evil ones preying on your beautiful veggies.  Some sneaky caterpillars were seen munching on our cabbage leaves the other day.  Ants were delightfully dancing…

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First Baby Signs

Author: April Duke Nothing is more frustrating than having your baby try to communicate a need to you, but having absolutely no idea what he’s trying to tell you! I have found that baby sign language is a fantastic way to become further in tune with your baby’s needs. While every baby is different, most…

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