Pregnancy Massage

In the past, it has been a huge debate as to whether message was safe during pregnancy. New studies report that prenatal massage is most likely safe and can have enormous benefits for a mother and her unborn child.

Who Should You See?

Most massage therapists can perform prenatal massage; However, a massage therapist that is specially trained in pregnancy massage can offer you significant benefits during your pregnancy. Certified Prenatal Massage Therapists know how to:

* Avoid acupressure points associated with premature labor
* Check for swelling in your extremities
* Carefully avoid your sensitive areas

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If you have a regular massage therapist, ask them for a referral. You may be more comfortable staying with your massage therapist, but it’s a good idea to at least try a Certified Prenatal Massage Therapist because of the specialized services that they can offer you.

What Type of Massage Should You Get?

Swedish massage is the ideal form of massage to help with common discomforts associated with pregnancy.

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Some forms of massage, such as deep tissue massage, should be avoided during pregnancy. Swedish massage is the most commonly recommended massage technique during pregnancy because it applies mild pressure to large muscle groups of the body.

What is it Going to Cost?
Prenatal massage sessions often fall into the $50-$150 dollar range. Here are some tips if you are worried about the cost of a message:

* Call around. Prices can fluctuate dramatically from one massage therapist to another, and some massage therapists offer a discount on your first visit as well as specials at different times of the year.

* Ask your insurance company if they will cover part of the cost.

* If you have a medical reason for getting a prenatal massage, talk to your doctor. He or she can write you a prescription for massage therapy.

Isn’t My Belly Too Big?

Women are often worried that their belly is too big to get a message. If they have gotten a massage before, then imagine trying to get comfortable lying on their huge round stomach on a hard table. The goal of prenatal massage is to be comfortable, and I promise you it will be!

Even mainstream massage therapists often have ways of accommodating pregnant bellies during a massage session; Some have a table with a space for your belly to fit, while others have you lay on your side while hugging a body pillow.

Tips for a Great Prenatal Massage Experience:

Ask your regular massage therapist, your friends, and your family for recommendations. Of course, the best people to ask are women who have had prenatal massage during their own pregnancies.

Call ahead. Before you pay for a massage session you’ll want to be sure you’ve got the right massage therapists. Ask them lots of questions about their qualifications, what to expect during your massage sessions, and how much it will cost.

Let your massage therapist know exactly where your trouble spots are and what symptoms you may be having. This will allow your therapist to treat you in the best way possible.

Vanessa Pruitt, PLMHP, MS

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