Surprising Medical Professions Where Men Are Needed

Surprising Medical Professions Where Men Are Needed

Gender discrimination is, unfortunately, not a novelty. However, more often than not, this kind of bias tends to disadvantage women for the profit of men in the workplace. Consequently, it can seem surprising to claim that there are positions in which more men are needed. Ultimately, in an age when women have made it clear that they want to receive the same chances and advantages than men in the workplace, it seems that female professionals are more likely to be discriminated against.

However, when it comes to the medical sector, there is a staggering amount of roles in which male experts could make a significant difference. Indeed, the medical field needs more male doctors, nurses and other experts to provide dedicated support to patients of both genders. Here are the 5 most significant roles where men are needed to boost their patients’ health and improve the overall practice and medical center safety.

Leadership positions as nurses

As a standard rule of the thumb, most patients expect to find women as nurses. As a result, it’s not uncommon for some patients who are suffering from increased stress disorder to lose their temper and even display aggressive behaviors.

While it might sound like a cliché, it’s fair to say that if the nurse who handles them is a woman, they are more likely to prove difficult to manage and abuse their position of strength to gain the upper hand. However, if the leading nurse – you can find two types of leadership position, Master’s Degree in Nursing MSN vs DNP Doctor of Nursing Practice in healthcare centers – is a man, patients will tend to behave as they are worried to be overpowered.

A male nurse can actively help to reduce hostility in the hospital sector, which makes it easy to manage difficult and stressful situations. Additionally, their presence keeps the clinic environment safe. Disruptive patients can get violent when they’re in pain, or too inhibited to realize their behavior is dangerous. Unfortunately, when you can’t reason with a patient due to their erratic behavior, a male nurse can suffice to convince them to stay calm.

Establish trust with a therapist

Men kill themselves almost 4 times more often than women. According to statistics collected for the United States, white males account for nearly 70% of suicide deaths in the USA in 2017. The tragic reason why too many men are forced down the path of self-destruction is that they are worried about discussing their issues. In fact, men are only beginning to embrace therapy, and too many struggles to find a man therapist who can make them feel confident.

If a man is worried about personal issues – let’s not forget that stress, emotional insecurity, and fatigue can affect a man’s sexual performance – he will be less likely to open up about his problems with a female therapist, for instance. It is unfortunately anchored in the male psyche that men have a duty of care and maintenance to their household. It is a tricky position for a man to admit his emotional weakness, but it is made a lot more difficult when these feelings have to be discussed with a woman.

Psychologically, men are wired to protect women, and therefore are reluctant to discuss their situation. A male therapist can make sure that the therapy is established in an environment where the patient feels at ease.

Encouraging men to embrace a healthy diet

Is there such a thing as a manly diet? While it might sound ridiculous at first, many men accidentally follow an unhealthy diet, encouraged by social media and clichés. In a context where meat-eaters are perceived as manly and strong, it’s easy to see how the typical macho-man could put his health at risk in an attempt to follow a gender-specific lifestyle. Unfortunately, the consumption of red meat in excessive quantities is not recommended by doctors.

Red meat is linked to breast cancer – in both men and women –, as well as diabetes, stroke, and obesity risks. However, it can be difficult to develop a healthy diet without guidance. The majority of nutritionists is female, which can convince some men that healthy eating is a thing that is designed to please women. In reality, if there were more male nutritionists, many men would be able to discuss their dietary fears and develop a plan that suits both their needs and personality.

Additionally, it’s fair to note, as well, that online diet plans tend to focus on women’s requirements, making it more difficult for a man to stick to a nutritious meal. For instance, a man needs more protein intake than a woman, to fuel for the different muscle mass among genders.

Injury recovery through male physiotherapists

Around 70% of physiotherapists are women. Physical therapy is targeted at individuals who require support in restoring or maintaining movement, relieving pains or even increasing functionality. More often than not, physiotherapy helps patients recover their strength and mobility after a severe injury. Additionally, their role is vital in helping individuals cope with a disability by training the most relevant body parts as part of their rehabilitation.

However, for a man trying to adjust to a disability or an injury, it can be challenging to work with a female physiotherapist. Indeed, a man might feel diminished when being trained by a woman, especially at the beginning of the process of recovery when the body is still weak.

Giving birth with a male midwife

Contrary to common belief, the term midwife doesn’t describe the gender of the person helping during the birth process. Midwife means “someone who is with the wife” to assist during birth. The majority of midwives are women, and male midwives struggle to get accepted by pregnant women who worry that a man can’t understand what they are going through.

In reality, there is no reason why men can’t be competent midwives. Their role is to provide intimate care, psychological support, and advice during birth. The assumption that one has to have given birth to offer support is incorrect. Men midwives are typically more gentle and compassionate, helping both mothers and fathers to go through the process.

Gender discrimination is everywhere. But it is essential to understand that there are many roles in which the absence of male specialists can affect not only the health of your patients but also the overall experience of medical care.