Top 4 Ways to Use a Bread Poultice


Making a bread poultice is probably one of the simplest remedies around. For one, it requires only the most basic of kitchen ingredients. Secondly, it takes only a few minutes to “make”.

But just because it’s simple, doesn’t meant it’s not powerful! A bread poultice can be successfully used for several ailments.

Here are just a few of it’s many uses:

1.) Drawing Out Splinters

Have a splinter that is too deep to retrieve with tweezers? Try putting a warm bread poultice on the area until the splinter appears closer to the surface.

In some cases, you may even be able to completely remove the splinter by keeping the bread poultice on the area for longer periods of time.

This is an especially useful and non painful way to remove splinters in children. No tears!

2) Healing Skin Boils

A bread poultice can be an effective remedy for bringing skin boils to a “head” or even for healing other minor skin infections or abscesses. Apply and reapply the bread poultice to draw out the infection and any toxins.

Make sure you keep the area sanitary, cleaning the skin between each application. Wash your hands before touching your skin.

As with anything, if the area is not getting better make sure you seek appropriate medical attention.

3.) Reducing Pain and Inflammation

Did you know that a bread poultice can stimulation circulation? For this reason, it can be a great remedy for reducing swelling and inflammation, as well as relieving acute pain.

Try applying a bread poultice to minor bumps and bruises, or other swollen skin areas.

A bread poultice can be highly effective, but only for minor injuries. If you have anything more serious causing you problems, it’s far better to seek help from professionals such as those from Metro Health NYC.

4.) Acne and Eczema Treatment

Traditional acne treatments can burn, and are generally unpleasant. A bread poultice can pull the infection from your pimples and problem areas without the uncomfortable creams or astringents.

The same with eczema. A bread poultice can soften and heal eczema patches gently.

For both treatments, apply a bread poultice to the affected areas just before bed, and secure with a band aid or some other covering. Remove the bread poultice in the morning and clean the area. Repeat again each night as needed.

How to Make a Bread Poultice

New to making bread poultice? Click here to learn how to make a bread poultice.


Vanessa Pruitt, PLMHP, MS

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