Understanding A Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis

Understanding A Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis

When you hear the words cerebral palsy, it can often feel like a weight has just been dropped on you. Learning of your child’s cerebral palsy diagnosis is something you may not have suspected but it has now become a reality.

Despite what can be a debilitating condition, there are those living with cerebral palsy, who have a high quality of life and are only somewhat affected by it. Depending on the severity of it, there are certainly tips to help cope with the condition.

Understanding cerebral palsy is important, so with that in mind, here is some helpful information on the condition.

What is cerebral palsy?

Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that affects a person’s ability to move around. This affects their balance and posture to a certain extent. CP is considered one of the most common of motor disabilities in childhood and is only diagnosed once a child is one or two years old.

It can be hard sometimes to spot symptoms and make a diagnosis when those symptoms may be fairly mild in nature. That’s why it takes a little longer to confirm it.

Understand where it is on the scale

The severity of cerebral palsy can vary greatly with some experiencing little to no mobility and others finding there’s very little challenge in remaining upright.

Identifying where the person might be on the scale when it comes to the severity of the condition is important to do.

Look at physiotherapy options

To help with mobility issues, there are many physiotherapy options out there that might be worth exploring. 

There are, of course, limitations to what some may be able to achieve but there can be quite a difference made when building up strength in the body.

Take a look at what physiotherapy options are available as this can help greatly when it comes to those that are willing to dedicate themselves to it.

Don’t let the disability get the better of you

Disabilities can often have a habit of making people feel like that’s all they are or that’s all people see. Whether you believe it or not, your disability should never get the better of you and it is certainly not the case that it defines you.

You have the ability to define who you are beyond just having a disability. A cerebral palsy diagnosis is by no means the end of living. It’s an opportunity for growth and to overcome the challenges that come with it so you can live a long and happy life.

Stay positive

Finally – stay positive. It can be hard to cope with the news that your child has got cerebral palsy or for those who’ve grown up to learn they have it. However, remaining positive can be a great way of getting those vibes out there so that good vibes come back to you.

A diagnosis such as this one can be hard to navigate but with the right tips, an individual can still have a happy and fulfilled life.