Easy Crochet and Knit Gifts

If you can crochet or knit then you have a perfect start to some great homemade holiday gifts!  Teens and college students are two groups of people that seem to love warm gifts made from soft yarns.

Winter hats and scarves are easy to make with some large needles and a thick yarn.  You can even cheat a little and use a knitting loom if time is short or your technique is not yet perfected.

Crochet gifts work up fast and you can make a variety of household items such as dish cloths, coasters, booties, or even Christmas ornaments.

Here are some great patterns from around the web for crochet and knit gift ideas:


Do you have a homemade gift idea?  Share it with us in the linky below!  We will showcase your blog post or article on each of the Homemade Christmas lists here on NFT!
Picture By beep1o (Flickr: Knit Texture 1) [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Aadel Bussinger

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