What’s Up With Your Digestion?
Do you experience occasional digestive discomfort, or is it a regular occurrence? Do you have bloating, belching, constipation, diarrhea, GERD or IBS? Drugs are not the answer.
This blog all about millennials sharing their passion, ideas, and expertise about blogging, healthy living, self-improvement, education, parenting, and more!
Do you experience occasional digestive discomfort, or is it a regular occurrence? Do you have bloating, belching, constipation, diarrhea, GERD or IBS? Drugs are not the answer.
“The 3 Step Challenge is designed to get you well on your way to a chemical free Garden. Chemical free gardening is all about nature. The goal for every natural gardener is to bring nature back into balance. As this happens harmony will begin to replace the chemicals.” ~ Pamela Kimsey How we approach natural…
Webcams offer a unique way to connect with loved ones across the country (or the world.) Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives will love the opportunity to see young children as they grow and have conversations with your older children. Webcams are also great for connecting with a parent who travels for business or is in the military.
How will I know I’m pregnant with twins? How is twin pregnancy different?
The process of becoming a responsible adult is an often shaky one. Many parents realize that their children need some guidance through their teen years, and yet few of us had a good adolescent experience of our own. What can you do to help your teenager live successfully through this difficult period? Be patient. Try…
Instead of the ability to recall facts and figures, employers are placing more value on resourcefulness. They want individuals who can find information, adapt to change quickly, and get things done without instruction.
Caring for your family’s skin as well as your own with have many beneficial effects on your family; it can help prevent skin cancer and other diseases as well as fight the signs of aging. In addition, when you take care of your skin, you feel better on the inside and out.
For a number of years fat has been given a bum rap, due in large part to the low fat posse; but with time has come wisdom and fat, the right fat, is now getting the credit that it’s due. It’s taken thirty years of research to get to this point, but it would appear that all…
Forget that “going green” has been trending for the past few years or so. Forget beauty trends, forget advertising ploys that market what is supposed to be the latest and greatest breakthrough in skincare “technology.” Focus on your skin and what it needs.
You do not need to start a worldwide foundation to help out our Mother Nature. There are small but powerful ways you can make a difference in the comfort of your own home. However, sometimes we think it’s expensive to “go green” and involves a lot of work. Sure, we’d all like to help out…