Early Symptoms of Pregnancy

Do you think you might be pregnant? Maybe you feel a little different than usual or your period has been irregular or absent. If so, you may be wondering if your symptoms mean that you are pregnant.

The earliest symptoms of pregnancy will not tell you for certain if you are pregnant or not, but they can give you a clue. Knowing the most common signs of pregnancy is helpful if it’s too early for you to take a pregnancy test or you’re deciding whether or not to buy one.

A Missed Period

The most obvious sign of possible pregnancy is a missed or “late” period. If your period is usually regular, being a few days late can set off alarms. This sign is not as helpful for women with irregular cycles.

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Many pregnancy tests advertise that they can detect pregnancy days before your missed period, but you will get the best results about 3-4 days after your missed period.

Nausea or Changes in Appetite

For some women, the first sign that they are pregnant is a change in their food preferences. For instance, some women say that their morning coffee no longer tastes good or that they suddenly crave a certain food.

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Unexplained nausea is another common symptom. You may feel as if you’ve caught the flu. If it goes away and comes back the next day, it could be a sign that you are pregnant.


If you feel fatigued during the day or don’t seem to have as much energy as usual, it could be another sign of pregnancy. If you are pregnant, your body is using a lot of extra energy to sustain and grow the baby, making you more tired than usual; It’s best to listen to your body and get the extra rest that you need.

Breast Changes

Your chest may feel enlarged or your bra may not fit as well as it used to. It may also be a symptom of pregnancy if your chest is unusually sore or tender.

Frequent Urination

If you are pregnant, your growing uterus can put more pressure on your bladder, causing you to urinate more often. You may feel bloated, your pants may be tighter, and your abdomen may feel tender or uncomfortable.

If you think that you may be pregnant, your next step will be to buy a home pregnancy test. You can buy them for as cheap as $1. The more expensive ones can cost $5 or more and generally aren’t any more accurate, though they may be easier to use.

A negative pregnancy test doesn’t necessarily rule out pregnancy. If your test is negative and you still have reason to believe that you are pregnant, try another test in a couple of days. You may also visit a doctor or midwife who can do a urine test as well as a blood test to confirm pregnancy.

Vanessa Pruitt, PLMHP, MS

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