Pregnancy Tickers

Do you participate in online message boards or forums? Then you would enjoy having a pregnancy ticker!

A pregnancy ticker is an online graphic that is automatically updated to display how far along you are in your pregnancy. This is calculated based on your due date or the date of your last menstrual period. Here is an example of a pregnancy ticker from

Women like to use tickers to display the progress of their pregnancy in their forum signature. This lets other people on the forum know that you are pregnant and how far along you are without having to tell them all the time.

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Pregnancy tickers are fun and easy to make. Just go to the ticker generator of your choice, enter all of the required information, and then generate your personalized pregnancy ticker.

Here are some popular websites that let you create a pregnancy ticker:

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Each generator will give you a preview of your pregnancy ticker and then several snippets of “code”. You will need to select the right code for the location that you would like to use your pregnancy ticker. For instance, many forums use HTML or UBBcode. Check with each individual forum as to what is accepted.

Pregnancy tickers aren’t just for forums and message boards. You can use your ticker in a variety of places. Would you would like to display it on your website, desktop, mobile phone, or even in your email signature? You can grab a snippet of code for each of those places!

They also make tickers for many other occasions and life events. You can generate a ticker for adoption, birthdays, trying to concieve, miscarriage, weight loss, and much more. Whatever timeline you would like to display, you can probably find a ticker for it!

Vanessa Pruitt, PLMHP, MS

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