3 Ways to Take Time for Yourself During Pregnancy
There is always a good excuse to pamper yourself during pregnancy. Here are 3 ways to take care of yourself during pregnancy.
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There is always a good excuse to pamper yourself during pregnancy. Here are 3 ways to take care of yourself during pregnancy.
Waiting to feel your baby move for the first time during pregnancy can feel like an eternity. You might experience stomach gas or subtle twitches, unsure if it’s your baby or something else. But when you finally recognize those unmistakable baby kicks, excitement washes over you! When can I expect to feel my baby move?…
Welcome to week 17 of your pregnancy! Your baby (and subsequently your belly) are in the middle of a large growth spurt. If you’ve been waiting to officially wear maternity clothes, you likely won’t be able to put it off any longer. You’re also likely to have your first big jump on the scale in…
Hypnobirthing is an ideal way to train your mind and your body to relax, so that you can have a wonderful childbirth experience when the time comes. Many women who have had a hypnobirth claim that they had a painless or nearly painless childbirth, and that the methods employed through hypnosis allowed them to achieve incredible relaxation during pregnancy and labor.
Henna is a small tropical bush that produces red dye. This natural dye is native to North Africa and the Middle East, and has been used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes for over 9,000 years, though it’s use is fairly new to the western world. Henna has a multitude of uses, including as a temporary tattoo and as a natural hair dye.
Many over the counter medications for cold and flu should be avoided during pregnancy, but natural remedies can offer just as much relief, and are much safer for you and your baby. With natural remedies, you don’t have to worry about getting the right dosage or over-usage. You can use these remedies as often as needed for symptoms.
So you’re going to be pregnant in the summertime? You’re probably already gaining sympathy from strangers when you announce your due date. It’s true, being pregnant during the summer months can be difficult. The extra body inside of you, the extra weight, and the increased blood flow in your body can make you feel warmer…
Do you ever wish you could know what your husband was thinking? I do, because they seem to live on a different planet. Somehow, men see the world differently than we do, and sometimes that leads to miscommunication, and gets in the way of our relationships. This can be especially true during pregnancy and parenting,…
If you recently found out you’re pregnant, it’s time to find a creative way to share the news! Of course, you could just show your husband or family the pregnancy test, but where’s the fun in that? Here are some fun ways to share your new joy with others. 1. Decorate Something Give your husband…
If you just found out you’re pregnant, it can be worrisome to have bleeding. You may fear the worst, such as a miscarriage, but first trimester bleeding is actually fairly common and it doesn’t always mean that something bad is happening to you or your baby. First trimester bleeding is any bleeding that occurs during…