Vinegar to Fight Body Odor

Body odor is something that everyone battles. There are many ways to fight it, but commercial products are not always acceptable. You might want something a little more pure and safe for you. What can you use? One solution you can try is vinegar.

If you’ve used your own cleaning products for any length of time, you know that vinegar is a very versatile product to have in your home. It works great in cooking as well as cleaning ovens, counters, sinks, and more. It cleans hair and gives it a natural shine. Vinegar is also great to help clean up pet accidents and child accidents.

So what does this have to do with your body odor? If vinegar can help eliminate the stench from urine, it can help with your body odor.

Where do you find the worst body odor? Not a person, but where on your body? It is found where your body touches itself the most, for example your underarms. Typically, you apply deodorant to your underarms to prevent odor from developing and running everyone off. Yet you might not want to use many of the commercial deodorants because of the chemicals that are used.

You could go without any deodorant of any kind. Many people do. They just end up taking multiple showers a day. Or you could use home remedies such as vinegar.

When using vinegar to fight body odor, you can use it a couple of different ways. If you take baths, add vinegar to your bath water. That will allow the vinegar to reach all parts of your body that produce offensive odors. Plus, as vinegar is a deep cleansing product, it helps to get the dirt and grime off of you.

If you take showers, you can splash some vinegar on you as you get out of the shower, or specifically target areas. Take a washcloth and pour vinegar on it. You could also use a bath sponge. Rub the vinegar on your armpits and other areas where odor arises. Depending on how bad you sweat or your personal degree of odor, you might need to do this a couple of times a day.

This is a natural product so you should not have to worry about harsh chemicals. Vinegar can be purchased in large quantity and can be found as organic. It all depends on your preference. But give vinegar a try in fighting body odor.

Rebecca Graf
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